You know... Goalie view.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Happy Game 5 Ending!!!

Hello, fans of Red Wings and Homer! Very glad to have good game after, ah, not so much good in second period. I not ever try to score goal like Jovanovski of Phoenix. Mostly I try with other side of Homer toward goalie.

That song about "most good good night?" or something, you know? That's how I feel, for sure. It very nice to get, ah, game winner because that mean we win game! It was goal of, ah, strangeness that stick on my, ah, elbow arm crease? but it count with even no reviewings. I whacked at it a couple times and it go in! Pavel help me out much with that and then one minutes later Pav score goal with helpings from me and Mule! Very happy to make good plays on line with old friends, for sure.

You understand "bromance"? Young guys like Helm and Abby say this for me and Pavel tonight and they laugh and laugh. I, ah, not understanding so much. No romance because we both have wifes and childrens.

Very exciting to go back to play in Detroit on Sunday!!!

Thank U Homerfans!


1 comment:

  1. Homer, bromance is something you have with your manfriends who are like brothers to you. You know, like you and Nick. Or you and Pavel, maybe, what do I know?
